Saturday, September 19, 2015

Stool, floor lamp and wall clock set is made of wood damaged by insects. Branches that have been broken from caterpillars give the styles exclusive character and uncommon, organic and intriguing look. Israel based designer Yaron Hirsch has captured the lovely net of holes and tunnels produced by insects and blended it with simple and sophisticated form.

The wood deterioration to the eucalyptus tree is translated to functional and extremely decorative particulars that create these special stool, floor lamp and wall clock set. Intriguing and appealing, these items with organic imperfections are excellent for modern day interior style in eco style.

Incorporating filler material into the holes and channels creates  the foundation for designing these residence decor items. The channels are utilized for transferring the electrical energy from the battery to the switch, while the plaster cast into the tunnels of the stool and the lamp joins keep the components together.

Distinctive furniture, floor lamp and wall clock design and style

unique furniture design idea

Wood stool, floor lamp and wall clock collection, exclusive furnishings design concept

plaster and wood stool design

Plaster and wood stool style, beetle broken branches and white plaster fill

Plaster and wood combination and basic type create an uncommon, balanced and impressive appear. The project is names Animal p Vegetable – Mineral, symbolizing the harmony of three components. These unique designs turn the tunnels designed by the caterpillar in tree branches to the level of art.

Natural wood with distinctive texture, produced with the traces of beetles add rustic charm to these special designs. The seat of a stool is created of white plaster, adding light really feel and minimalist touch to this original styles.

wood stool woth white seat

Wood stool with white plaster seat, modern day furnishings design and style

The name of the collection refers to the beetle, the tree and the plaster that the designer has poured into the tunnels. The result is these truly special, impressive and revolutionary furnishings, floor lamp and wall clock collection in minimalist style showcasing very original and uncommon specifics.

wall clock made of wood with imperfections

Wall clock produced of wood with imperfections and beetle traces

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